Welcome to the Official Site
'After the Rain'
"Once, long ago, a reckless society destroyed
After the Rain is currently in Pre-Production
August 30th, 2001
Slow but steady...
August 14th, 2001
Most of the Cast and Crew
has been determined now, and things are getting a bit exciting. We
have a deal with the band 'Callum' to get original music, and the script
its a third of the way done.
July 29th, 2001
All pages are up now, though many lack details.
The script is coming along and production meetings have begun.
July 28th, 2001
The site's bare bones are now up. Still missing
Cast & Crew, Photos (there aren't any yet), and info on Infiltrators,
as well as many cosmetic details. However, the trailer is up and,
while small, looks good.
